
A curated collection of presentations and resources developed for Nelson Mandela Day 2024 is available on this page. These materials offer tools for engagement with stakeholders.


This section provides a record of presentations delivered as part of the Named after Nelson project at various events. These presentations highlight the project’s key themes, insights, and outcomes, offering valuable perspectives on graphic heritage and the significance of places named after Nelson Mandela.

Citation: Harland, R.G., Burger Y. and Zhoa, S. (2023) Named after Nelson: Learning from ​places named after Nelson Mandela through graphic heritage. Presentation to the EPG Funding panel on 17 August 2023. Loughborough University. Online.

Citation: Mthembu, N., Harland, R.G., Myeka, Z. and Burger Y. (2024) Named after Nelson: South African Stakeholder Workshop. Presented on 5 June 2024. Online.

Citation: Mthembu, N., Harland, R.G., Myeka, Z. and Burger Y. (2024) Named after Nelson: International Stakeholder Workshop. Presented on 12 September 2024. Online.

Citation: Burger, Y. (2024) Measuring Mandela. Open Research Fellowship presentation on 15 July 2024. Institute of Advanced Studies, Loughborough University, Loughborough.

Citation: Burger, Y. (2024) Named after Nelson: IIE Vega School Brand Challenge for the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital. Presented on 10 October 2024. Online.

Citation: Burger, Y., Harland, R.G. and Burger, E.A. (2024) Named after Nelson: Tracing the threads of graphic heritage in Gauteng, South Africa. Presentation at the Faculty of Art and Design Research Showcase 2024, Tshwane University of Technology.​

Citation: Burger, Y. (2025) Naming the World: Insights into environment and identity through Inquiry by Design. Presentation at Construction and Complexity Lecture, IIE Vega School.​


Nelson Mandela Day 2024

This section provides resources for stakeholders for the various Named after Nelson campaigns for Nelson Mandela Day 2024.

1) Share your Story Social Media Campaign Resources

2) TikTok Dance Challenge

Citation: Makgala, K. and Burger, Y. (2024). Named after Nelson: MadibaDance. Graphic Design Research Unit, School of Design and Creative Arts, Loughborough University. https://youtube.com/shorts/ETK3yh4RhSE

3) Project Branding
Named after Nelson Style Sheet

4) Named after Nelson Gallery for Nelson Mandela Day 2024